A Transdisciplinary Approach to Confrontation Between Self and Other: Factors Influencing the Emergence and Acceptance of Translational Language in Target Language

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Translation Studies, English Language Department,, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


A translated text emerges as a third code via the source code being confronted by the target code (i.e. the confrontation between Self and Other). The third code included both source and target codes, but establishes itself as a separate code with specific standards. The third code has numerous manifestations and may deviate either from TL system or from TL norms of usage. The purpose of the present conceptual research was to identify and explain the factors influencing third code and its acceptance in target language translations. The results indicate that in the presentation and acceptance of this new code in translations and its acceptance in the target culture, a range of linguistic, paralinguistic, psychological, political, and sociological factors have a role. The factors are categorized and summarized under eight main areas: the status of SL and TL, the status of translators and translation in the TL community, the role of translators, the role of readers, the role of editors, the role of paratextual and extratextual factors, the purpose of translation, and publishing policies in the TL.


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