A Study of the Audience's Exposure to the Filmic Space with an Emphasis on the Interdisciplinary Phenomenological Views

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D in art Research, faculty of visual arts, university of Tehran, Tehran. Iran


Idealists believe that understanding the filmic world and the world around it depends on the perception and the ways in which the mind of the audience work. Realists, in contrast, see re-creation and representation as a reflection of an external, undistorted reality. The views of Andre Bazin, the leader of the realist movement, have always been met with skepticism and opposition, and the idealists have taken advantage of this movement to explain different views on cinematic representations. In phenomenological theory in which Husserl plays a pivotal role, understanding representation is an intuitive and direct process. Phenomenologists emphasize subjectivity, the power of imagination in the representational experience, and the role that consciousness and awareness play in the independent existence of objects, whether imaginary or real. Their main emphasis is on analyzing the performance of the imaginative force, the emotional response, and the mental representation of the spectator's presence in the film's cosmos. Vivian Sobchack the phenomenologist of the present age, goes beyond this view and believes that films, like humans, can comprehend mental processes such as perception and have agential activity; therefore, they should be analyzed with these characteristics in mind. The present study adopts a phenomenological approach with the aim of revealing the viewer's perception of the cinematic representational experience. Hence, the research problem is to analyze and understand how the spectator communicates with the phenomenon of film and cinema. The research method is qualitative-interpretive.


Main Subjects

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