A Sociological Analysis of the Tendency towards Revolutionary Action and Rejectionism in the Rebellious Poems of Abdullah Pashew and Mofdi Zakaria

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Dept. of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


Abdullah Pashew and Mofdi Zakaria are contemporary poets who lived during the reign of Ba’ath in Iraqi Kurdistan and the colonization of Algeria by the French, respectively. As committed poets in such situations, the two have turned their poetry into a mirror for reflecting the suffering of the colonized Kurdish and Arab peoples and by emphasizing the necessity of decolonization, they consider revolution as the only path to freedom from the clutches of colonialism and occupation. In addition to the suffering caused by the occupation of the lands, feelings of humiliation and frustration as the main reasons for these poets' revolutionary tendencies, deprivation, cultural assimilation of the colonized people and other crimes have pushed Pashew and Mofdi to take action in the form of rejectionism and revolution. Due to a lack of independent research on the causes for Pashew's and Zakaria's tendencies for revolutionary action, the present paper intends to do a comparative analysis of this phenomenon as reflected in these poets' works. The main questions to ask are, how and in what forms the underlying factors for revolutionary action are manifested in their poetry and to which concepts these factors are tied. To do so, the author has used a descriptive-analytical and comparative method based on a sociological study of their motifs. The study shows that issues originated from the hegemony of colonization and occupation have forced these poets towards rejectionism and revolutionary action. The scope of Mofdi's revolutionary poems is much wider than Pashew's, but Pashew's poems express a much deeper anger, which is at times mixed with cursing and eruptions of rage and hatred.


Main Subjects

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