The Poetic Infrastructure of Shajarian's Song: the Case of "Dandelion"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah. Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah. Iran

3 Master of Persian Language and Literature, Kordestan University. Sanandaj, Iran


Literature and music have a close and complementary relationship with each other. In performance, poetry is the infrastructure of mind and the language of music, with which it has a strong connection. In fact, what melodies and musical instruments express through the sounds, the poetry manifests more tangibly via words. In this interdisciplinary research, the induction of sounds, due to the repetition of consonants and vowels, has been examined in the light of Murice Gerammont's theory and via a descriptive-analytical approach. Accordingly, the pragmatic axis shows the angles of inducing meaning and, more importantly, the effectiveness of poetry and the way music and poetry influence each other, which is examined via the introduction of examples of vocal music and, specifically, Akhavan Sales's "Dandelion" performed by Mohammad Reza Shajarian. Each vocal division in Iranian music has its own characteristics and expresses different moods, and both the composer and the singer should select the music division and vocal corners with the consideration of the meaning and the content of the selected poems. The results show that sounds and words, with clarity, brilliance and darkness, have been successful in conveying the two discourses of slight hope and overwhelming despair and that it is the sound which determines the color of the feeling of the music and instruments and makes the poetry and musical works more effective and lasting.


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